How to Tell It’s Time For Braces for Your Child

by Michael Abdoney - 03/15/2017 -Braces,Florida,Orthodontist Tampa FL,Tampa

But did you know that prolonged use of these emotion-soothing aides, as well as other factors, can cause teeth disorders when your baby gets older?

It’s not uncommon.

In fact, 75% of kids need orthodontic care.

These teeth disorders, known as malocclusions, can be easily be corrected with braces if caught early.

That’s why nearly 4 million children under the age of 18 get braces every year.

So what age should you bring your child to the dentist for prevention?

Most children require braces between the ages of 9 and 14, but it’s best to get your child checked by an orthodontist at age 7.

If you haven’t brought your child to a dentist, and he or she is experiencing pain or discomfort with his or her teeth, it may be time for braces.

Sometimes a parent can see warning signs.

Here’s what to watch for.

 1. Crowded teeth

If your child’s teeth have little space between them, he or she can have crowded teeth. Crowding is when there’s inadequate room in the mouth for all the teeth.

This happens when an adult molar grows forward.

Molars are the largest teeth and tend to pop out starting at age 6 when your child’s baby teeth have come in.

Crowding can make the teeth crooked and worsens as your child grows older.

Other than a bad physical appearance, crowded teeth can cause bacteria, plaque accumulation, halitosis (bad breath), tooth decay (cavities), or even gum disease and bone loss at more severe cases. If your child’s teeth are pressing against each other, it may be time for braces.

2. Overbite

Pacifiers and feeding bottles often cause overbites.

An overbite is when the front teeth overlap. It looks like the upper teeth are sticking out further than the lower teeth.

Overbites can lead to teeth fractures and chipping and can damage the upper gums and palate.

A child with a deep overbite is more prone to getting injured playing sports or vigorous activities.

3. Underbite

Underbites affect the whole row of upper teeth.

If your child has an underbite, all of the upper teeth fall behind the lower teeth.

The underbite can make the jaw appear out of proportion and the face can appear unbalanced where one side sticks out more than the other side.

4. Cross bite

A cross bite is when the bottom tooth protrudes in front of the top tooth. Having a cross bite can make it difficult to chew food.

Both teeth can become fractured with a cross bite and the teeth can produce recessed gums in both of the teeth areas.

They can also cause the jaw to be uneven because one jaw grows larger than the other.

5. Open bite

An open bite occurs when the jaw is closed and the top and bottom teeth don’t touch.

This disorder can cause speech impediments like lisping.

It often happens when babies suck their thumbs, chew on pencils or use pacifiers excessively.

Final Words on When to Know It’s Time for Braces for Your Child

It’s no secret that braces can make your child’s smile beautiful and make your child feel more confident.

What’s more, it can also improve your child’s oral health.

Our dental care specialists provide premium orthodontics care for children in Tampa, Valrico and Riverview, Florida. Contact us today for a brighter smile for your child.