The Gap: Can Braces Fix my Gapped Teeth?

by Michael Abdoney - 07/16/2018 -gapped teeth,Orthodontics,Orthodontist Tampa FL
Middle Gap

Many people develop a middle gap, which is commonly hereditary. These gaps are particularly resistant to closing because there may be a small cleft in the the two bones of the upper jaw. Other reasons for this include the gums in that area being thicker and having a strong-pulling or thicker frenum attachment to the gums. These spaces usually take longer to close and are resistant to staying closed, which makes retention extremely important.

Generalized spaces

Spaces that are distributed throughout your mouth often contribute to bite problems and protruding teeth. Orthodontic treatment closes these spaces while correcting your bite. (Often you are asked to use elastics or “rubber bands” to help these spaces close in the right direction. Follow your orthodontist’s instructions for everything to go smoothly and for your quickest treatment length!)

Set up a consultation with Dr.s Abdoney or Cronauer to find out if any of these “space situations” apply to you!