How to Get Rid of A Tooth Abscess at Home

by Michael Abdoney - 05/09/2020 -Orthodontics

Pain in your mouth that can't be controlled or unexplained swelling could be signs of an abscessed tooth or teeth. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do at home to treat this issue before making a trip to your dentist. If the pain does become too severe or you have a fever that can't be controlled, then you should consider making an appointment to get antibiotics to treat the infection.


Combine a teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of warm water to make a solution that you can swish around in your mouth. This is the same solution that you might have used when you were younger when you lost a tooth. You can also add a small amount of peroxide in the water, but don't swallow the mixture. Instead, swish for a few moments and gargle before spitting the water out.


Sometimes, applying heat to the side of your face where the abscessed teeth are located can offer relief. A heating pad can be wrapped in

a towel so that it's not too hot on your skin. If you don't have a heating pad, you can heat moist washcloths in the microwave for a few seconds. These can then be put in a small plastic bag so that the cloth isn't directly on your skin.


There are a few oils that you can use to relieve the pain associated with an abscess and to rid the area of the infection that is present. Clove oil is the most common type to use. You'll apply one or two drops directly to the tooth that is impacted. Oregano oil can also be used for pain relief. Try to apply any oils that are used with a cotton swab as it's a bit easier to cover each tooth that is affected directly instead of using a finger and coating the entire area of the mouth.

Tea Bags

Warm tea bags can be put on the tooth that is abscessed. If possible, try to use peppermint tea bags as they offer a cooling sensation that can help with pain relief. Orange tea bags are also an option to consider along with a drop of clove oil. Don't leave the bags in your mouth for an extended period of time as you don't want them to rupture inside your mouth.

If you notice any excessive swelling or oozing of pus from the abscess, then you should consider seeing a dentist so that it can be drained.