History of Braces and When They Were Invented

by Michael Abdoney - 07/20/2019 -Braces

TMJ is when the mandibular bone in the lower jaw causes problems with the range of motion and pain while eating or talking. TMJ symptoms include locking in the jaw, earaches, ringing in the ear, arthritic conditions, etc. People with TMJ suffer from headaches, cranial sacral distortions, clenched jaw, and facial pain. If a misaligned jaw is left untreated, TMJ can be permanent. The worst symptoms can come at night when the jaw bone can’t relax and pain and clicking can keep you awake. TMJ can aggravate sleep apnea, making it worse.

Orthodontics didn’t let this permanent TMJ happen when they set out to create Orthodontic Treatment. A TMJ Treatment plan is based on a patient’s personal medical treatment, how the patient can tolerate medicine, mouth appliances, and most of all any allergies to medical ingredients. Allergies can create a challenge. The orthodontist will check you over to see what’s causing your TMJ. Sometimes a malocclusion or incorrect bite can cause TMJ. Some cases of TMJ require braces to realign the teeth and keep the jaw bones in proper position. Braces are not the answer for everyone with TMJ. If your TMJ is caused by over-bites,under-bites, cross-bites, or jaw clenching, braces can help. Sometimes braces can cause TMD. Do braces help TMJ? It depends on your medical situation.

Beyond medicine, orthodontic treatment orthodontists offer mouth guards and cold compresses. Mouth guards reduce or eliminate teeth grinding at bedtime. The first step in treating TMJ is relieve the pain before treating the mandible jaw bone. A new treatment is creating mouth splints. The TMJ splints rest the jaws joints. Not all TMJ splints are created equal.

Another new treatment is to grow cartilage and implant it in the jaw to replace damaged tissue. Unfortunately, growing cartilage to treat TMJ is in the testing stages. Orthodontists sometimes rely on pain killers . Many new pain killers are tested and released to be sold over the counter and prescription medications. All medications should be used sparingly. Many orthodontists are trying mouth exercises out on some of their patients . Some of the popular mouth exercises include Tongue to Roof, Goldfish mouth exercises, Chin Tuck, and Side-to-Side Movement. Side-to-Side Movement involves using something one quarter of an inch between the teeth such as tongue depressors, Slowly move the jaw from side to side.

Prevention is the best way to get rid of TMJ. Avoid excessive gum chewing, biting pencils, biting pens, and pen caps. Do not rest your chin on your hand or cradle the phone between your jaw and shoulder. Be sure to chew with both sides of the mouth.

How old do you think dental braces are? The answer may shock you because of the first attempts at using dental science to physically alter crooked teeth being made by the ancient Egyptians. Over the course of history, there have been many different attempts made to straighten teeth that led to the current trend for braces and new mouthpieces which can provide excellent results for most patients.

Ancient dentistry

If you are working with your dentist to straighten your teeth you may be shocked to discover the roots of modern dentistry lie in the mummies of Egypt. The first attempts to straighten teeth were made in a bid to keep the gums from caving in after death to make sure the passage to the next world was made with ease.

It was only after the birth of the Roman Empire that the first attempts were made to straighten the teeth of living people. These first steps were among the first to be made towards modern dentistry techniques. Aulus Cornelius Celsus was the first to complete some experiments in the field of dentistry and straightening teeth but the success he reported in his journals are difficult to verify as truthful.

The Dark Ages of dentistry

The Dark Ages is a good name for the nature of the period of history including the practice of dentistry and medicine that moved backward for hundreds of years. During the Dark Ages, not much happened in terms of science, medicine, and dentistry to move things forward.

The first mouthguard

Recently, major leaps forward have been taken in terms of the use of mouthguards to straighten teeth quickly. The first attempts at creating a mouthguard were taken in the 18th-century when the practice of dentistry became a major part of the advances made in France and the rest of Europe. French dentists and scientists, Pierre Fauchard and Pierre Bourdet wrote a book of the techniques they intended to use as they fought to develop the art in France. One of the ideas and theories put forward by the authors as the move towards modern braces continued was a mouthguard designed to hold the teeth in their correct position.

Modern braces

As you may expect, the major advances made in dentistry over the last hundred years came with the arrival of modern dentistry and cleaner techniques in the 20th-century. Braces became one of the leading ways of straightening teeth with many different materials used including zinc and gold which are pliable materials when heated to low temperatures.

The advance of modern dentistry has allowed the traditional techniques to be replaced by a series of advances including Invisalign mouthguards. These mouthguards are the perfect choice for those who are not affected by problems with their bite but wish to repair any issues you may have with crooked teeth.